To start:
Thank you for continuing to make this project even better than last year. I love that folks have a deep passion for drifting, and these magazines continue to be the perfect way to me to express my media abilities and work previous seasons into works of art.
Seeking individuals to create pages for their media services, drift teams, drift supporting automotive shops, or drift / vehicle related services to put into this year’s edition of the magazine. Anything goes, so long as it has tie-ins to the drift community and the grassroots drifting scene.
Those who submit an advertisement will receive a to be determined discount on all orders of this edition through 2023, if they order / reserve a minimum of 3 copies to start for retail display / resale / customer appreciation / gifts. This discount will apply only to the submitter of the advertisement, so please ensure if you are ordering for your business / team / crew members, to include the units for those in your order as well. Any individual orders not from the submitter will be full retail price.
Full costs on the project are not known till approx 3 weeks before the magazine is sent for print. Current size estimate is 120 pages + Cover.
Examples submitted from last year / reprints of previous advertisements

Template Download
I have included a template below for you to revise over in Photoshop, or your photo manipulation program of choice. Inside the template is a layer folder marked “TEMPLATE ASSIST” – disable this layer folder to turn off the pink mask guidelines and text. You can also adjust the transparency on it for ease of use. These guidelines are there as markers to represent areas where you should only leave a background image, and no text or anything of importance you’d like to be visible, as there is a chance of it being cropped out at the press or overlapped by another page pending on placement in the magazine.
Download in your choice of Adobe PSD or GIMP XCF here.
All ads are 8.5 inches by 11 inches – please try and make them 300 dpi – You have a full page to be creative as you wish!
A few small ideas to include:
- Business logos
- Address
- Point of contact (instagram, facebook, phone numbers)
- Hours of Operation
- QR Codes for ease of access
- Merch / Services offered

Uploading your Advertisement
Please upload your files as PSD or XCF, I would like to have the best quality I can have when it goes to print – Please also shoot me a message on instagram @elektrikmedia when you are finished your advertisement, so I can review it and advise if any adjustments may need to be made.
You can upload your completed submissions here.
I would love to have these all back by Mid May. Estimation for print is near the first week of June of 2023 , so the last two weeks of May will be a final review and adjustment period before things are sent for print. Plans are always to have some on hand for the Mission weekend event in July, to the BC area folks can get their hands on magazines as well.
Once again, thank you for your interest – I look forward to your results and really thank you for helping me make this project transition from just a hobby to one day maybe a full time gig. There’s plenty of work ahead!
Thanks a Bunch,